Toasted Cheese Sandwich

Toasted Cheese Sandwich

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Toasted Cheese Sandwich – A Classic Sandwich

A Toasted Cheese Sandwich, also commonly known as a “cheese toastie” or “melted cheese sandwich,” is a simple and delicious comfort food. It is made by placing cheese between slices of bread and toasting or grilling the sandwich until the bread is golden brown, and the cheese inside becomes melted and gooey. Here’s a step-by-step description:

Toasted Cheese Sandwich Bread Selection:

Choose your preferred type of bread. Common choices include white, whole wheat, or multigrain bread.


Select your favorite type of cheese or a combination of cheeses. Popular choices include cheddar, American, Swiss, mozzarella, or any cheese that melts well.


Place cheese slices or shredded cheese between two slices of bread to create a sandwich.


There are different methods for toasting a cheese sandwich:

  • Toaster: Place the sandwich in a toaster and toast until the bread is golden brown and the cheese is melted.
  • Toaster Oven: Assemble the sandwich and toast it in a toaster oven until it reaches the desired level of crispiness.
  • Oven or Grill: Place the sandwich on a baking sheet or grill and toast until the bread is golden and the cheese is melted.

Optional Additions:

You can customize your sandwich by adding extras like ham, bacon, tomatoes, or other toppings for additional flavor and texture.


Remove the sandwich from the toasting device once the bread is toasted to your liking and the cheese is melted.


Cut the sandwich into halves or quarters for easier handling and serving.

The result is a warm, crispy, and cheesy sandwich that is a quick and satisfying snack or meal. The simplicity of the sandwich makes it a popular choice for people of all ages, and it’s often enjoyed on its own or paired with a side of soup or a fresh salad.

Here is a basic Toasted Cheese Sandwich recipe:

Toasted Cheese Sandwich

Recipe by Yummy FoodCourse: SnacksCuisine: Other world cuisineDifficulty: Easy

A Toasted Cheese Sandwich, also commonly known as a “cheese toastie” or “melted cheese sandwich,” is a simple and delicious comfort food.


  • Mild cheddar cheese

  • Butter

  • Sturdy low-moisture bread


  • Slice the cheese ⅛-inch thick.
  • Butter the two slices of bread on one side each.
  • Cover a bread slice with cheese, over the unbuttered side. If you leave gaps, distribute them evenly throughout the middle.
  • Finish the sandwich with the other slice of bread; again, buttered side out.
  • Place the sandwich into a cool 2-sided contact-based cooking device, like a sandwich iron, waffle iron, or grill intended for cooking burgers. Heat the sandwich.
  • Remove the sandwich when all the cheese has melted and the outside is medium-dark brown and crispy.
  • Eat immediately. If you must set this sandwich down, use a heated plate or a loose paper towel to avoid letting condensation ruin the surface.


  • Use low-moisture cheese. When buying cheese, most likely you will find that the cheeses are labeled for fat, protein, and total weight. Consider the unmentioned part to be moisture, and choose the cheese that minimizes this. For any given amount of protein per weight, choose the cheese with the highest fat content. Likewise, for any given amount of fat per weight, choose the cheese with the highest protein content.
  • Multi-grain bread tends to work well. Sourdough and English toasting bread should also work okay.
  • Add relatively dry tuna, bacon, or pastrami. After cooking, you may pry open the sandwich to add sauerkraut, pickles, or sweet chili sauce.
  • A bit of Worcestershire Sauce poured on the cheese before cooking also works well.
    Instead of butter/margarine on the outside of the bread, you can substitute mayonnaise for a tangier sandwich.
  • Thinly-sliced tomato is a nice addition to the sandwich, as are wilted spinach or roasted red peppers. You can add sliced onion with the tomato to give a more exotic feel.
  • Remember to cool the cooking device a bit before cooking another sandwich.

Other SANDWICH recipes may be found HERE.

IMAGE SOURCE: Willis Lam, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons


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