Sourdough Bread

Easy Sourdough Bread Recipe | Tartine Basic Country Bread

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Sourdough bread is a traditional type of bread made from a simple mixture of flour, water, salt, and naturally occurring yeast and bacteria. What sets sourdough apart from other types of bread is its unique fermentation process, which gives it a distinct tangy flavor and chewy texture. This process begins with a sourdough starter, a mixture of flour and water that captures wild yeast and bacteria from the environment. As the starter ferments, it becomes populated with a diverse community of microorganisms, including lactobacilli and wild yeast strains, which give sourdough its characteristic flavor and texture.

To make sourdough bread, a portion of the sourdough starter is mixed with flour, water, and salt to form a dough. This dough is then kneaded and allowed to ferment for an extended period, typically overnight or longer. During this time, the wild yeast and bacteria in the starter metabolize the sugars in the flour, producing carbon dioxide gas and organic acids. The carbon dioxide gas is trapped in the dough, causing it to rise, while the organic acids impart a tangy flavor to the bread.

After fermentation, the dough is shaped into loaves and allowed to proof before being baked in a hot oven. The high heat of the oven causes the carbon dioxide gas in the dough to expand further, creating an airy and light crumb, while the crust becomes golden and crisp.

The resulting sourdough bread is characterized by its tangy flavor, chewy texture, and rustic appearance. It pairs well with a variety of toppings and accompaniments, from butter and jam to cheese and charcuterie. Sourdough bread is also prized for its long shelf life and nutritional benefits, as the fermentation process helps to break down gluten and phytic acid, making it easier to digest and increasing the bioavailability of nutrients.

Overall, sourdough bread is more than just a type of bread—it’s a culinary tradition that has been passed down for generations. Its unique flavor, texture, and fermentation process make it a favorite among bread enthusiasts and a staple in kitchens around the world.

VIDEO SOURCE: The Regular Chef

Other BREAD & PASTRIES recipes may be found HERE

Sourdough Bread

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